
5 Simple Steps Toward Launching Your Own Blog

Launching a new product or business takes a great deal of commitment, but it isn’t impossible and it doesn’t have to be unbearable if you are willing to do a little homework beforehand. More often than not, you have a plethora of ideas swarming your head but perhaps you are unsure if you have the skills or the time or even the money to get started. Isn’t it crazy how we are our own biggest critics? After talking myself out of my own ideas, a hundred times or so, it finally dawned on me “girl, what are you really afraid of?” Was it failure? Judgment? Or could it be plain old fear of the unknown, or even worse – the possibility of success? 

I am excited to share 5 simple steps that helped me launch my own blog:

Step 1: Choose a Niche and Create Content.

Think about your craft and skillset. Start by asking yourself “what am I passionate about, enough so that I would be willing to write about it daily (or even weekly) and be an open book for my readers?” Here’s how the conversation played out in my head…

  • I am totally in love with my newfound role of motherhood. I could blog about my journey as a new mom!
  • I used to enjoy fitness but it has fallen on my list of priorities. I know my health is important, but on some days it’s hard to find the time and (or) energy to complete a workout…and boy do I struggle with remaining committed to clean eating. Between the responsibilities of adulting and raising a newborn, I’ll eat anything, and that’s considering if I even get a moment to eat. How can I give my expertise on something I am not steadfast in?
  • Perhaps I could share my tips on quick and easy meals, baby food recipes, or natural hair hacks?
  • I could even blog about my experiences with mentoring teachers and providing educational services to high-school aged youth.
  • Better yet, why not blog about all of the above! I would appeal to a variety of followers and all of these topics are relevant.

Step 2: Write Daily.

Get in the habit of writing or journaling daily. Before you can launch a blog, you must be committed to writing about your journey and experience on a consistent basis. This will allow you to develop a “habit of writing” and the task won’t seem so daunting once your blog is launched. Remember, your readers and followers will expect to see new content from you regularly.  As an influencer you have to be a consistent (and reliable) source of information. This is when it dawned on me “if I don’t make time to write now, then I will not develop the habit of making time for it once my blog or website is launched.” Here were a few more things I pondered…

  • I must schedule writing/journaling into my daily routine. Early mornings or late nights work best for me (while everyone is asleep).
  • I must start by dedicating small amounts of time for daily writing, then increase the time, as needed, once a routine is developed. Start with 10 minutes each day.
  • If it helps, I can build a 15 – 20 minute daily mindfulness routine around my writing schedule. (Ex: Read scripture, pray, meditate, stretch, then sip coffee and journal, all before my little one wakes at 6AM!)

Step 3: Be Unique.

The market is so saturated with “mompreneurs” and bloggers. What will make you any different from the rest of them? The key is to add your own personal flare to your blog. This is when I had to practice introspection and remind myself to tap into my own unique qualities, creativity and natural talents. By this point my inner dialogue was resonating confidence in my skills and sounded a bit like…

  • I have an excellent speaking voice (perhaps I could even vlog in addition to blogging).
  • I have (recent) experience in parenting a small child.
  • I have an extensive background in education with mounds of teaching and administration experience.
  • I have a theatrical background that spans from my primary to collegiate years.
  • I have experience in leading and mentoring professionals.

Step 4: Represent your B.R.A.N.D.

I recently attended an amazing women’s empowerment seminar. There, I met and listened to encouraging words spoken by a lovely woman named Tikia. She shared an acronym for the word “brand” that touched me deeply and reminded me that I control my destiny. She emphasized the importance of always finishing what you started and seeing it through to the very end. She floated across the room filled with women of all ages and walks of life chanting her slogan “If it is meant to be, then it is up to me!” As she spoke to the audience I jotted the acronym down in my journal… 

“I am a living representation of my B.R.A.N.D.”

  • B – Be the BEST version of me.

The takeaway here is “you are the greatest ambassador for your brand.”

Step 5: Like NIKE…Just Do it!

Are you over analytical? Do you often talk yourself out of doing something or from taking risks? Well, the “Type A” personality within me always believes that “before I start something I must have all my ducks in a row.” It’s called being prepared…right? Well, the downside to that is, I have had it on my heart to launch my blog for some time now and here I am, still where I was a long time ago…nowhere! Just a girl, a dream, a whole lot of time wasted, and no blog or website to show for it. Sometimes the biggest deterrent standing in your way is yourself. The final golden nugget I used to implement the launch of my own blog was “Just Do It.” I simply took action by telling myself to…

  • Work with the tools and resources I currently have. Don’t use what I am lacking as an excuse to never begin my project. As I grow, so will my resources and connections.
  • Don’t be intimidated by fear. Take a risk and have faith in myself and my talents. So many people are in my corner and have faith in me, I should have faith in myself too!
  • Learn from my mistakes and fail forward.  
  • Always remember this quote: “Successful people don’t fear failure but understand that it’s necessary to learn and grow from.” – Robert T. Kiyosaki

There you have it! I hope this post leaves you feeling empowered, uplifted, and inspired to take stock in yourself and to always have the courage to confront your fears and manifest your dreams. Happy Blogging!

– XOXO Sophie