• Education

    5 Tips To Avoid Educator Burnout In The Midst Of A Pandemic

    1. Create Boundaries As an educator with over 14 years of experience in the world of public education and school leadership one of the best pieces of advice I can offer is the importance of creating boundaries. Boundaries sets ground rules and  limitations regarding your role as an instructor. This is critical because the field of public education is an extensive one. Many will agree that as an educator you wear the hat of: teacher, leader, college & career advisor, counselor, parent, nurse, minister, social worker, therapist, and the list goes on and on! As you can see, setting parameters…

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  • Sip


    I have been an educator for over 14 years and I must admit, working with teens is not easy and raising them is even harder. As a parent you want nothing but the best for your children…