
4 Reasons Why I Run…Other Than The Fact That It’s Good For My Health

My son loves our runs together!

Running is Spiritual 

One of my favorite aspects of running is that I experience a feeling of gratitude. I feel a strong sense of appreciation for the simplest things…things that often go unnoticed during the day-to-day rush of life. During my runs, especially my long ones where I run more than three miles, I feel extremely connected with nature and I notice small things that I normally don’t see or appreciate. This could be the sweet fragrance of flowers or the sounds of the birds chirping, the rustling sounds of wildlife, the warmth of the sun’s rays on my skin or even the tickle of a breeze on my neck. The world is so beautiful and filled with an abundance of small, sweet treasures. Unfortunately, we just don’t take enough time to stop and smell the roses. Our world (and the people within it) moves so quickly. We are always rushing and limiting our free time with busy schedules. For me, the beauty in running is that it slows down my perception of this busy world.

Often while I run, I take time to pray or meditate. It may sound odd, but again, running provides me with an opportunity to sit still with my thoughts. Sure, it’s always nice to toss my Beats headset or my AirPods on and run to the rhythmic sounds of rap, reggae, R&B, hip-hop, or soulful music but it’s also a blessing to connect with my prayers and experience mindfulness. Running gives me additional time out of my day to be conscious of how I am processing my emotions and to give thanks to my Lord and Savior. This spiritual connection that I experience while running results in my mind feeling less cloudy after I run. In other words, I feel like a huge weight is lifted off of my shoulders afterwards.

A much needed post-quarantine run.

Runner’s High 

Have you ever heard of “runner’s high?” Yes, it’s a real thing! Please don’t get my wrong. I am not saying that running is the most enjoyable thing to do in the world. It is definitely not easy. It takes hard work, discipline, and dedication to build up the stamina to run for miles and to make it a true habit. There is also the battle against your desire to run and the elements of nature…brutal heat, rain, and cold fronts are just a few examples. So you must be wondering where does the runner’s high come in? Well…afterwards of course! These “feel good” emotions are caused by endorphins and kick in after your run (or workout). I love running because I experience a feeling of accomplishment afterwards. I feel good all over and I feel as though I can achieve anything I set my mind to. My productivity and energy increases and more importantly, anything that was really bothering me before my run usually is no longer bothering me after my run…I thank the endorphins for that one! 

I’m glowing more AFTER my 3 mile Turkey Run.
Before the Thanksgiving Run!

Better Sleep 

On the back end of running there are several things that you should look out for. A few include muscle fatigue, aches, pain or soreness, and of course (my favorite) better sleep! A great advantage to running is that it tires out my body and leads to better sleep at night. I sleep more soundly. In the past, on the days that I didn’t run I usually experienced restlessness but I learned that when I did run, that was not the case. (Keep in mind, I gave birth to my son about a year ago, so I am always sleepy…regardless if I went running or not. These days, I can sleep any chance I get. LOL!

My first official 5K Run…four months after the birth of my son!

Run Clubs 

So far I have provided you with three amazing reasons to start running: running can be spiritual, running releases “feel good” endorphins, and running results in better sleep. If that has not persuaded you then here’s my fourth and final reason why I run. 

Running is a whole movement. There are many run clubs geared to train novice runners or advanced runners. There are programs that can literally help you transition from the “couch to the pavement.” Additionally, there are run clubs that help you improve speed and endurance. Run clubs are  supportive, empowering, and can foster a sense of belongingness. For individuals with weight loss goals and fitness goals, run clubs are very helpful. If you are a woman of color and interested in connecting with a supportive run club then I highly recommend that you look into “Black Girls Run!” This is a national movement created in 2009 to tackle the obesity epidemic within the African-American community. I found BGR! helpful not only before the birth of my son but also in my postpartum weight-loss journey. And guess what? BGR is not only for black women. Men and women of all races are welcome to join and help support the cause…and it’s totally free! Overall, whatever your desire is, there’s a run club that can help you.

Perhaps you are not interested in joining a run club. There are also many local organized runs. Organized runs can be competitive or just for fun. Organized runs tend to support either charity work or medical research on the local, state or national levels. They are easy to find with just a quick internet search and registration fee payment. They will cost you anywhere between $20 and $50 dollars (some cost more and some cost less) to participate and the money is always donated to a good cause. Personally, I enjoy getting involved in run clubs and in local organized runs because they both build a sense of community within me. 

Happy Running! 

Do you enjoy running? Are you interested in starting your own run journey? Was this post helpful and would you like more posts like this one? Drop a comment below.

XOXO – Sophie